Saturday, February 21, 2009

spiritual warfare

sooo my blog... ya i don't write on it too much but i am way too busy to write. im going to try and write sat and wed, but dont count on it.
this week we have been talking about spiritual warfare with terry. terry is the head guy at this base and his teachings put you to sleep. He has a good message and all and i understand everything but his teaching puts you to sleep. he will start with a point and then go into a huge story forgetting what he talked about. he even says to himself "what was i talking about"
on friday we went out to the section where mardigras will be held to pray and sing songs to defeat the enemy, claiming the land. before we left our truck stopped running. we could not get it started. the truck was in perfect condition and nothing was wrong with it before. everyone was in the back of the truck thinking what was going on. We soon realized that this was just satan not wanting us to go and pray over Gods land where the party will be taking place. We started praying in the back while terry was starting the truck. the truck just would not catch and start. We started to sing songs of praise and the louder we got the closer we could hear the truck starting. all of a sudden the truck caught and we were off. i thought that was a really cool experience of spiritual warfare.
Were going out tonight to mardigras to perform out dramas and dances and shine our light in the darkness. I am excited but i'm nervous at the same time. Im not the kind of person to go out and do these types of things in front of a large crowd, but i'm going to do my best.  
today i went in the pool for the first time since i have been here. It was really nice. not to cold. Clayton my new friend here on the base went with me. he is a really cool guy from iowa. ill tell you how mardigras goes. if i don't write for two week then i was probably killed while performing. 

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